From 1990-2000 (plus this last weekend) I danced in The Nutcracker with my ballet studio, Ballet Petit. I have probably have seen over a dozen versions from animation to classical ballet to modern dance. And for me, well, it's just part of Christmas. At my house, what is the holiday season without The Nutcracker?
Over the weekend, I had the delightful opportunity to return to the stage after seven years. I danced in a bunch of different parts, each one posing an interesting challenge. Alright, before I get ahead of myself, I'm so not trying to say that I'm all that and a bag of chips. Because I'm totally not. I'm glad I didn't fall or break something. And I had so much fun reconnecting with old ballet friends and reliving the rush of being on stage, even if it was a combined total of less than ten minutes.
Ballet Petit celebrated their 30th Anniversary this year. Peggy Peabody, or "Miss Peggy" as well all affectionately call her, started the studio in the back of her mother's preschool in 1978. Her early performances featured preschoolers and cardboard boxes. Now the production includes over 200 dancers ranging in ages as little as 3 through high school, with a sprinkling of adult dancers. Thanks so much to Miss Peggy and her partner in crime, Miss Darlene for their unflinching love and support to all their dancers over the past 30 years.
Alright, enough of my blabbing, on to the photos!

Alumni photo, with Miss Peggy and Miss Darlene in front.

A little rehearsal action. (or non-action, haha).

My sister with her magical jumping skills. "Look Ma, no legs!"

Behind the scenes view.

This front row are all alumni!

Oh, and if you're looking for me in action, unfortunately there are none (that I have my mits on yet), but here's one of us in costume!
Happy Holidays!
Also, cans for comments! See below :)
After all those ballet twitters, pictures! But I want to see you in action!
What a cool tradition for the ballet school. My daughter's studio put on the Nutcracker for Christmas, too, but not to that scale. Great shots!
Whoa backstage pass huh? crazyness - lovin it! Gettin your sis in the air without the legs tripped me out for a good minute.
Hi Catie with a C! It's Kim from Augie's open house. It was great to meet you last week! You're photos are awesome! I'll definitely be coming back often to check out what's new with you. Hopefully we'll see each other again on this photography journey of ours. =)
That picture of your sister with no legs is so cool! She really is magical!
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