- When I received a GameBoy for Christmas in 1990 after three months of diligently making my bed every morning from the beginning of the school year until December 25.
- When I got my first cell phone, circa 1999, when those Nokias with interchangeable faceplates were all the rage
- When I got my first digital camera, Christmas 2002, when 3.2 megapixels were a big deal
- When I got an iPod for Christmas in 2003, when it was in just it's second generation, pre-color, pre-video, pre-all the cool stuff today
- When we (my sister and I) got a Wii the first Christmas they were available, and were so scarce we could have turned a profit on eBay
- When my fiance proposed in March, on our birthday trip to Las Vegas, right before going to Ka
How do I get there? Clearly, it won't happen overnight. Obviously, it won't be magic (although I wouldn't mind that). And, as I've learned just from the last couple months, it can't happen all by my lonesome. Networking takes a KEY part in this equation. As much as technique is important, so is your network. That's why I'm so excited to now [b] part of the [b] school.
Like I mentioned the other day, I've already been able to connect to photographers in my area and across the country and across the pond. And, today, Jennifer from Candid Moments Photography, asked me if I'd like to tag along and get some experience. Woo Hoo! Thank you Jennifer! Thank you [b] school! I'm excited!
So this entry is making me chuckle because I just watched [b]ecker's latest on the [b] school blog.
Excited x 9 (not quite as many as [b])
[b]elieve it everybody. [b] connected. [b] mentored. [b] inspired.
1 comment:
That's awesome! Yay for being connected!
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